Ways to Remain a Constant Presence in Your Child’s Life When You Only Have Weekends


As a parent, it is easy to lose touch with the inner workings of your child’s life. This is even more true if you are the ‘weekend’ parent. The fact of the matter is, staying aware of what is going on in your child’s life requires consistent, intentional work. Here are some creative ways to do that:

  1. Watching a TV show together. There are great apps like Scener that allow you to stream movies and tv shows with other users whilst you chat or video call. Many streaming services have this built into their platforms now.

  2. Playing online games. From Fortnite to virtual jigsaw puzzles, if your child is a gamer, engaging with them this way can be fun and also fosters teamwork! 

  3. Cooking and Sharing a Meal (Or Treat!).  Use the same recipe and see whose turns out better!

  4. An Old School Letter or Care Package. An oldie but a goodie! 

The above examples are some more involved ways to maintain contact with your child, but don’t underestimate the power of consistent calls and texts. It’s simple and easy, but tried and true. In fact, one of our Biadvo clients credits much of the positivity in his relationship with his children to talking on the phone every day. 

Though everyday chats may not be possible for everyone, consistency is key. Set a regular day and time that you talk with your kids. Engaging with your children should be a regular event when they are not with you.


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