Keeping an Open Line of Communication with Your Child


Life can get hectic. Many things fall through the cracks. Communication with your child should not. Communication is among the first things to go in the breakdown of a relationship. It is imperative that you work to consistently engage with your children no matter what life throws at you.

Here are some tips to help with that:

  1. Have Regular Family Meetings. In these meetings, families are able to know the plan for the coming week or days. It can also be an opportunity to air out grievances or frustrations in a healthy regular interval.

  2. Use Open-Ended Questions. This encourages a child to express themselves more fully when they’re speaking to you rather than stopping at ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

  3. Eat Dinner Together Without Distractions. Eating together without the distraction of TV or technology encourages mindful conversation. This means conversation where all parties are fully present with each other. Eating without distractions encourages more active listening, deeper conversation, and can help clue you in on body language.

  4. Use Specific Targeted Questions. Instead of asking ‘How was your day’, ask ‘What did your teacher think about your presentation on Joan of Arc yesterday?’ 


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